Help! My Nose is Huge – Is Face Swelling During Pregnancy Normal?

Swelling is a part of pregnancy that no one wants to deal with, but it’s normal. During pregnancy, you might even notice some facial swelling. Remember, if you find that your face is swelling, it can be expected and not an immediate reason to panic.

Having a swollen face during pregnancy isn’t unusual, but it’s important to note we aren’t talking about any sudden facial swelling. Most swelling happens gradually, over time, as your pregnancy progresses. If you have rapid swelling that comes with headaches, nausea, or other unappealing signs, make sure you talk to your doctor.

Instead, we’re talking about when your nose feels double the size it once was. One day, you realize it’s happening – you officially have that pregnancy fat face your friends told you would happen, but you hoped it wouldn’t.

It can be a downfall of pregnancy, but you should know it’s normal. Here is what you should know about facial swelling during pregnancy.

What Causes Your Face to Swell?

hand swells in pregnancy

All pregnancy swelling is caused by the same problem – fluid retention. You might not realize that your body creates nearly 50% more blood and body fluids to meet the growing demands on your body as your baby grows and develops. Normal swelling is referred to as edema, and it can happen in your hands, face, legs, ankles, and feet.

Face swelling during pregnancy comes from several different factors working together. You might even notice some nose swelling during pregnancy, and here’s why!

A lot happens in your body during the first trimester, and your blood vessels expand as more blood is sent to your baby. That’s why you might notice face swelling in early pregnancy. Expanded blood vessels can also affect your sinuses and nasal passages, which can cause a stuffy nose.

Towards the end of your pregnancy, water retention happens in your face, which tends to cause your nose to swell more than normal. This is when women complain about having a wide nose during pregnancy.

If you have high blood pressure, it also can cause pregnancy facial swelling.

Other Factors That May Affect Swelling

While those are some of the causes of pregnancy swelling, other factors increase the risk that you’ll start to swell while pregnant, such as:

  • Heat
  • Standing for Long Periods
  • Too Much Activity
  • Low Potassium
  • Caffeine Consumption
  • High Amounts of Sodium

Will My Face Swelling Go Down After Pregnancy?

Yes, but it does take time. In the weeks following your birth, your body will gradually lose the extra fluid it created for pregnancy. Your body won’t produce as much blood, nor will you retain as much fluid.

How Much Swelling is Normal During Pregnancy?

You can’t limit what is normal because every woman is different and experiences pregnancy differently. What is a lot to someone else wouldn’t seem like much to another woman.

It’s normal for your shoes and socks to feel a bit tighter. Your rings might not fit or might feel tighter than average. If you shopped for hours, your ankles might swell. You might notice that your nose seems to be larger than before.

It’s not uncommon for you to have swelling in your lips or gums!

All of these examples are considered normal for pregnancy, especially if you’re in your third trimester. Technically, it can start at any time in pregnancy, but it’s most common as you near the end.

However, you need to pay close attention to any swelling because it can sign a dangerous pregnancy problem – preeclampsia. That can cause many problems if you don’t fix the issue.

Call the doctor if you wake up, and your face is puffy. He will want to make sure your blood pressure is normal. This is when you should be concerned about swelling!

How Can I Reduce Swelling in my Face During Pregnancy?

No one wants to deal with facial swelling, but luckily, there are some things you can do to reduce the swelling. Here are some suggestions.

woman applies ice cube in face

Use a Cold Face Mask in the Morning

A cold face mask can reduce inflammation and swelling if you have puffy eyes during pregnancy. Apply a cold compress or mask each morning to your face, and you’ll notice undesirable swellings.

A gel face mask works well because you can freeze them, but make sure you put a barrier between the gel pack and your skin. Keep it on your face for 10-15 minutes.

Take Your Makeup Off at Night

Leaving your makeup on your face overnight can cause your skin to become inflamed, contributing to facial swelling. Taking off your makeup before you sleep can help you avoid annoying puffiness.

Try a Warm Compress

Inflammation isn’t the only cause of facial swelling. Water retention and inhibited water movement cause a buildup in your nose, cheeks, and lips. If cold packs aren’t getting the desired results, try a warm compress instead.

Lay a warm, wet towel over your face for 5-10 minutes. It can help with lip swelling during pregnancy; it doesn’t take much to reduce lip swelling. Just make sure you use a lukewarm towel, not a hot one.

Elevate Your Head While Sleeping

Gravity plays a huge part when it comes to pregnancy swelling. Gravity isn’t your friend if you notice that you have a puffy face or swollen eyes while pregnant in the morning, but elevation can change that!

Head elevation is the place to start if you’re trying to figure out how to prevent nose swelling during pregnancy. Try using either more pillows or bigger pillows when you sleep. Your goal is to ensure your head is always slightly higher than the rest of your body.

Avoid Too Much Coffee

Hydration is crucial during pregnancy; you want to do anything to avoid losing too much water. Believe it or not, coffee is a massive culprit of water loss. It’s considered a diuretic, but caffeine contributes to increased water retention even though it’s natural.

Pregnant women can safely drink up to 12 ounces of coffee per day, but that doesn’t mean you should. If you’re having issues with swelling, it’s best to put down the coffee until things are under control.

Pregnant woman drink water

Drink Plenty of Water

It seems counterproductive – you should drink more water to reduce water retention, but it’s true! When you don’t properly hydrate your body, your body hoards as much water as possible, leading to swelling.

So, it would be best to drink 8-10 8-ounce glasses of water daily. If you feel thirsty, you’re not hydrated. Staying adequately hydrated is crucial for your body and a necessity for amniotic fluid, which your baby needs. So, drink up!

Call Your Doctor If You Worry

Sometimes, you just need to call your doctor and receive reassurance that things are okay. If you feel concerned by the amount of swelling you’re experiencing or have any accompanying signs, such as nausea or dizziness, you need to contact your doctor. A quick trip can calm your fears or set you on the right track toward healing.

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